Article Submission Guidelines

This magazine thrives on contributing authors. Registered members are invited to contribute relevant articles to Sharing Ideas Magazine. Our goal is to provide helpful tools, case studies, "How to" instructions and other valuable content to our readers.

We would prefer articles that emphasize ways that our readers can:

  • Increase their revenue

  • Improve their networking skills

  • Provide better customer service

  • Obtain corporate sponsors

  • Increase their quantity and quality of bookings

  • Become a published author

  • Implement small business management tips

  • Select the most marketable speaking topics

  • Find and develop niche marketing opportunities

  • Create and sell more products

  • Etc. 

All content needs to be specifically targeted toward our audience of professional speakers, authors and consultants and related groups such as meeting planners, etc. How to articles are always a hit. We will not accept articles that lack quality content or have advertorial content.

Our editorial guidelines are as follows:

1) Articles will only be accepted from current subscribers who have created unique content that is relevant to our target audience.

2) An individual may contribute up to two articles per month subject to editorial review and approval.

3) All content must be original and all Authors will be required to abide by the rules outlined in our author release form.

4) Length - 800 - 1,600 words

5) Articles content may include: text information;
up to 3 photos; audio files (up to 3 minutes in duration)
and flash videos (up to 3 minutes in duration).

6) Author photos must be submitted by email in .jpg or .gif format
(min. size 100 by 125 pixels) and may be cropped or removed
at the discretion of the editorial staff.  

7) Due date for submission: The 20th of each month.

Note: All submissions should clearly state the requested topic category based on the article categories shown on the website.

8) All submissions should be forwarded by email to: and must be in either Microsoft Word or plain text format. (Please do not send pdf files).

Please include the words "Author Submission" in your subject line.

Additional Note: All submissions are subject to our editorial review and approval. As such, submission does not guarantee publication.

If you are interested in contributing and are not currently a paid member of this site you may subscribe online using our special author/ contributor membership application.

© 2015 Sharing Ideas Magazine. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without permission prohibited.